Shared or personal message templates
You can create company templates for yourself and your colleagues to keep everyone’s communication consistent and professional. They won’t have to figure out how to write it, and you’ll have the peace of mind that even unpleasant news is always communicated by your company in a fair and friendly manner. Small change, big effect.
Create your own templates
Message templates make it easier for you to communicate. You can create your own wording or use our recommended texts. And no one even needs to know that the message is automatic.
- Company templates shared with colleagues
- Personal templates just for your use
- Personalize content with custom tags
Automatic thank you response
It’s no substitute for a personal response from an HR person, but it’s still better than no communication. The applicant is assured that their CV has reached you and doesn’t have to chase you in desperation. Save your (and their) time and energy.
- Sent automatically when responding to an advertisement
- Prepare different variants
- Select directly when creating a recruitment campaign
Delayed rejection message
You can also use the templates to quickly reject unsuitable applicants. See how the rejection works.
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